Wide Open


About the Opportunities

We’re a land forged by grit and determination with rewards as vast as the prairie sky.

Here, careers become adventures and true works of passion.

Build something from the ground up, innovate in industries that fuel the world, or get involved in our communities.

It’s time to trade the ordinary for the extraordinary. Wonder about the possibilities.

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Empowering Entrepreneurs

In Southwest North Dakota, the land isn’t the only thing that’s wide open. Here, opportunity stretches as far as your imagination, and we roll out the welcome mat for dreamers with grit. We may not boast towering skyscrapers, but we offer something far more valuable: space to build, breath, and make your mark.

We understand the entrepreneurial spirit, the fire in your soul, the ideas itching to break free. That’s why we actively champion entrepreneurs. We believe in the power of your vision and we’re here to empower it every step of the way.

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs who took the leap into Southwest North Dakota and are thriving. Read their journeys, get inspired, and join the adventure!

Help For Finding Your New Career

Our local job service representative is a valuable resource in helping you find your new career.